[ Frobulator // Project Page ] [ Version // 09-06-2023 ]
Frobulator is a custom shell parser and scripting function library: Frobulate all the things!
Frobulator is easy to use and understand and is meant to help streamline your shell scripting projects while providing you with:
- Colorized prompts
- Line header markers for various message types
- Intractive counters and timers
- Interactive progress and process feedback
- Standardized 80 character line parsing
- Character limit overflow handling and line splitting with paragraph formatting
- Standardized user input prompts
- Standardized alphabetical input prompts
- Standardized numerical input prompts
- Streamlined file and directory commands
- POSIX-compliant/compatible
- BASH-centric scripting commands and functions:
- Customized Debian-based system commands (i.e.: apt/apt-get package commands)
- Streamlined package management functions that declutter your scripted setups for the most commonly used apt/aptitude commands
- Dependency functions that simplify package requirements being fetched for all your scripting and project needs
- Countdown and progress items to add to your scripts
- Customizable password obfuscation prompts
- Script checkpoint solutions to interate over only failed elements or modules
- Streamlined archive detection and extraction routines
- Clean ogging, redirection and silencing functions for pretty execution and informed debugging
…all while making redundant and complex code bits a thing of the past!
The current set of assertions upon which Frobulator is built restricts its functionality to scripts exclusively, at least for the time being.
In progress…
The following projects incorporate Frobulator in their usage:
[ Dextop // Project Page ]
[ L²CU // Project Page ]
[ Terminal // Project Page ]
[ Lego // Linux // Project Page ]
[ Nathanel + Titane // Project Page ]
GNU/Bash as the shell environment on top of which the scripts function.
Submit bug report or feature request

[ Frobulator // Project Page ] [ Version // 09-06-2023 ]
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